Michael Acton Smith

Dominic Alldis

Ros Atkins
Stephen Attenborough
Afdhel Aziz
Chris Barton
Sue Black
Karen Blackett OBE
Daniel Bobroff
Leading expert on e-commerce and retail
Rachel Botsman
Daniel Cable
Moran Cerf
Tom Chatfield
Rita Clifton
Ed Cooke
Caspar Craven
Bruce Daisley
Thimon de Jong
Aaron Dignan
Keith Ferrazzi
Jon Finn
Dario Floreano
Aisha Fukushima
Ron Garan
Mo Gawdat
Richard Gerver
Chris Griffiths
Kursty Groves
Suneel Gupta
Sophie Hackford
Ben Hammersley
Rahaf Harfoush
Sterling Hawkins
Ollie Henderson
Torsten Hoffmann
Daniel Hulme
Stefan Hyttfors
Anne-Marie Imafidon, MBE
Anders Indset
Linda Johnson Rice
Ayesha Khanna
Anne Lise Kjaer
Stefan Kovach
Daniel Kraft
Philipp Kristian
Nirmalya Kumar
Polly LaBarre
Charles Leadbeater
Gerd Leonhard
Daniel Levine
Martin Lindstrom
Josh Linkner
Matthew Luhn
Pippa Malmgren
Benita Matofska
Costas Markides
Deb Mashek
Vivienne Ming
Sugata Mitra
Geoff Mulgan
Richard Mullender
Jennifer Nadel
Kathryn Parsons
Michael Pawlyn
Mark Pollock
Cathryn Posey
Marc Priestley
Anis Qizilbash
Harper Reed
Robert Riener
David Rowan
Jonathan Rowson
Carlo Rovelli
Malene Rydahl
Chris Sanderson
Anita Sarkeesian
Emma Seppälä
David “Shingy” Shing
Dan Sodergren
Scott Steinberg
Matthew Syed
Itay Talgam
Gabija Toleikyte
Christian Tooley
Effy Vayena
Ariel Waldman
Gabrielle Walker
Mike Walsh
As new technologies proliferate and we become ever more interconnected, the possibilities for disruptive innovation are multiplying.
Business leaders and their teams must be at the top of their creative game if they want to grasp the opportunities that new innovations present. Creativity speakers can help teams to stay ahead of the competition by exploring how best to use their ideas.
With neuroscientists, journalists, chefs, mixologists, conductors and architects all available to speak at your next event, VBQ Speakers gives you access to a host of leading innovators, each one of whom has played a part in redefining their respective fields.
The stories of these talented trailblazers won’t just entertain and inspire your audience, but they’ll also provide concrete principles that audiences can use in order to cultivate a creative mindset at work.
Explore our network of talented creativity speakers online and read up on some of the key achievements of our best-loved innovators.
With a huge selection of experienced speakers to choose from, VBQ Speakers can connect you with highly engaging and passionate speakers for any occasion. We have inspiring speakers for networking events, talented keynote speakers for corporate occasions and brilliant minds for workshops and team-building events.
Whether you already have a speaker in mind, or you’re looking for advice on the best speaker to book for your next event, we’re here to help. Contact us to learn more about booking a great creativity speaker and we’ll talk you through the booking process.
Even though their experiences and fields of expertise may vary hugely, our creativity speakers are all famed for their original ideas and leadership skills. Amongst them, you’ll find specialists on a wide range of topics, from digital transformation, to classical conducting, to architecture, to neuroscience.
Our network has speakers available to talk on a huge range of different subjects, ranging from teamwork, leadership and innovation to digitalisation, sustainability and empowerment, each one aiming to inspire fresh perspectives and creative approaches that can be applied to everyday contexts. If you’d like to discuss the particular topics that might best suit your next event, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
If you’d like some bespoke creativity and innovation speaker recommendations, contact Leo on 0044 (0) 7833 727090 or email leo@vbqspeakers.com.